The Gallery at Quogue Library Presents...Quogue Historical Society - House Proud: Quogue's Iconic Summer “Cottages”

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Quogue Historical Society - House Proud: Quogue's Iconic Summer “Cottages”

On display January 10th - February 20th

Quogue’s shingle-style summer “cottages” are, by far, the Village’s most significant architectural resource. Built at the turn of the 20th century during an unprecedented real estate boom, today they comprise most of the remarkable 250 buildings recognized in the Quogue Historic District.

The coming of the railroad in 1870 cemented Quogue’s popularity as a summer resort. By the 1880s, boarding house residents were in search of a more permanent seasonal presence. Roads were laid out south of Quogue Street with easy access to the bays, creeks, and ocean, landowners began selling off house lots, and a flurry of home construction began. The mark left on the Village is indelible.

All are welcome to the Reception & Talk on Saturday, February 1st from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM